• ?Close to a 1-to-1 ratio cut width to conditioning width as requested by the customers (DC133 only)
• ?Wider conditioners equate to thinner crop mat passing through conditioning system for improved consistent and thorough crop conditioning for faster dry down
• ?Allows for wider swath and greater sun exposure for improved natural dry down
• ?Reduced crop travel between cutterbar and conditioners minimizing plugging, especially in cane, energy and high-volume crops
• ?Aids in the elimination of co-rotating discs on a 13 ft model and one set on the 16 ft model?
Simplified Drivelines and Shielding
• ?Driveshaft to left-hand end only for reduced clutter and cost, and more robust appearance
• ?Swivel gearbox does not require steering link; PTO shafts maintain perfect alignment
• ?Poly, bi-fold upper shielding is: lighter and provides easier access more damage resistant damaged resistant if a shield is inadvertently left open and the unit is pivoted